We know that skikes are hot but watch the show and see presenter Barry "Baz" Du Bois on a pair of skikes and see what the audience think.
![]() Skikes are going to be demonstrated on the "Hot or Not" segment of the popular Channel 10 lifestyle program The Living Room at 7.30-8.30pm on Friday 16 August 2013. We know that skikes are hot but watch the show and see presenter Barry "Baz" Du Bois on a pair of skikes and see what the audience think.
![]() Want to win a pair of skikes? Once again skike australia are proud sponsors of the Victorian Ski Chase 2013 Now that the Ski Season has begun, check out the Victorian Ski Chase page that we've added to our website. We will post updates and pictures after each event so get involved and enter any or all the events of the season for a chance to win. ![]() The winner of the Victorian XC Ski Chase grand prize of the new model V07-PLUS skikes is Lou Sanderson. Lou’s numbers came up in the prize draw at the SXCV meeting in Melbourne recently. The prize was presented by Vic Ski Chase organiser and fellow skiker Andrew Walker at a beginner skike session at Westerfolds Park Templestowe on Sunday 18th November. We are sure that Lou will get plenty of use from her new skikes and we hope to see her at more of our skiking sessions in Westerfolds Park. Before winning the prize Lou had already paid a deposit for a set of skikes and poles and she has decided to still go ahead with that purchase to enable family and friends to join her skiking. Lou is a member of University Ski Club which has a number of members who are skikers and their enthusiasm for skiking convinced Lou to join Skike Force. Why not come along yourself to a beginner session and have a try of skikes. We have sessions on most weekends and Wednesday mornings. Email us at [email protected] or phone Len at 03 9467 8039 and we will let you know times. Bookings are nessesary. Where to go and what to bring: Westerfolds Park Templestowe – 1st car park off the Porter St entrance. Bring a helmet and gloves. Also wear socks that come up to your calves or pants that come down to them. Also bring (if you have them) a water bottle in a water bottle holder and knee and elbow protectors. Read about one girl’s beginner skiking experience from Westerfolds Park at http://herebedragons-melbourne.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/ski-bike-skike-lots-of-fun.html ![]() We are pleased to announce further shipments of VO7-PLUS, vX-SOLO, poles and accessories have been ordered and will be available in time for Christmas. For the first time we have a limited number of vX-TWIN arriving as well as the new skike backpack. Gloves and protector sets are also ordered along with pole-tips, tyres, tubes, spare wheels and reverse-lock wheels. Some of the coming stock is in limited supply so get in touch with us now by clicking on the button below and let us know what you need. First in - best dressed! A few things to consider when using poles whilst skiking.
Be considerate of others and take care using your poles when passing people. Older people in particular can be frightened by the poling and it is sometimes best to stop poling as you pass. Be mindful of the amount of space you take up on paths when poling and keep in mind that cyclists may overtake you from behind at speed with little or no warning. Be particularly careful of such things as drainage grates of any kind, manhole and cabling pit covers. We are aware of cases where people have inadvertently damaged their poles when the pole tip has got stuck. The tips and pads on skike poles can be damaged if not installed correctly. When adjusting or setting up your poles, ensure that the flange on the tip is facing to the rear when holding the pole handgrip comfortably. Looking down, you should be able to read the skike logo on the flange. If the logo is upside down, the tip is facing the wrong direction and will not bite the ground as intended. If using the rubber boots on the tips, make sure they are installed correctly - the very point of the tungsten tip should protrude through a slit in the boot and be a firm snug fit. The boot will quicly tear and be either lost or rendered useless if the tip and/or the boot are not installed as mentioned. Lastly, under no circumstances over tighten either the pole tips or the pole sections - you may crack or over stress the carbon-fibre/composite pole sections and severely reduce their strength and reliability. |
AuthorsLen - Well known in the Australian XC skiing community as a competitor, coach, race organiser and instructor who is also passionate about skikes. Archives
July 2016