Welcome to the skike australia website. Skiking is a new and exciting activity for just about everyone. If you are in to snow skiiing, inline skating or roller skiiing, you'll feel at home on a pair of Skikes with better adaptability and control over varying surfaces.
Skike Australia is the officially appointed General Distributor and retailer for skike equipment throughout Australia. We are currently the only Australian retailer. We sell direct to customers.
Skikes are relatively new to Australia. In just a couple of short years we have seen the range of models increase and notable design improvements with each model.
We back the product with a full range of spares and accessories to help you get maximum enjoyment from your skikes. Check out our website for the complete model range and the parts and accessories we carry.
We hold regular skiking sessions in Melbourne and are happy to see new skikers join the skiking revolution! We encourage and facilitate skikers to skike together wherever they are located.
Contact us for pricing, sales and further information, including about skiking sessions and events at [email protected]
Skike Australia is the officially appointed General Distributor and retailer for skike equipment throughout Australia. We are currently the only Australian retailer. We sell direct to customers.
Skikes are relatively new to Australia. In just a couple of short years we have seen the range of models increase and notable design improvements with each model.
We back the product with a full range of spares and accessories to help you get maximum enjoyment from your skikes. Check out our website for the complete model range and the parts and accessories we carry.
We hold regular skiking sessions in Melbourne and are happy to see new skikers join the skiking revolution! We encourage and facilitate skikers to skike together wherever they are located.
Contact us for pricing, sales and further information, including about skiking sessions and events at [email protected]
skike history

This was the forerunner to the skike as we know it today, The Megarun, invented in 1997 by Otto Edder, an Austrian who came up with the concept as a means to practice and train year round. Around the year 2000, Otto developed the first skike as we know it. Since then, the product has gone through continual refinements in it's evolution. These days skikes are manufactured by FOUR ACE International Ltd, a German company with attention to detail and quality with manufacturing facilities in China. We are proud to bring the latest and ever growing skike range to Australia.