Of particular note, Niina had only skiked a couple of times prior and this was only her second time on her new vX TWIN skikes. Well done Niina – an inspiring effort!
Here are some statistics of the session: Starting time 9.19am. Finishing time 1.34pm. The total distance was 46.1 kilometres. Paul's total active time was 3 hours 22 minutes and average active time speed was 13.7km/hour. Elevation varied from 129 metres at Upper Ferntree Gully down to 58 metres at the start of Jells Park. At the end of Jells Park the altitude was 116 metres. The highest point on the trip was recorded at 150 metres. Elevation at the finish point at Flinders Street Station was 15 metres. All in all there was a total ascent of 830 metres and total descent of 950 metres.
Through this journey the group stopped a number of times for water and snacks, a couple of wheel changes and a few photos. Check out all the photos on the Gallery page.
Do you have any stories and pictures of skiking adventures like this? If so, let us know and we would be happy to share them here with likeminded skikers.