Our Victorian Ski Chase page has the most up to date results we can get with more to come. Check back frequently for the latest.
Apologies to those of you that may have been looking on our website for the latest news following all the events of last weekend. With so much happening it has been difficult for the organisers to get all the information together and collated quickly but we understand!
Our Victorian Ski Chase page has the most up to date results we can get with more to come. Check back frequently for the latest.
On Saturday 2nd August the fourth of the Skike Australia Victorian Ski Chase events, the Hotham to Dinner Plain (also known as the Pub to Pub) took place. A full report of the event and the updated results can be viewed and downloaded at our Victorian Ski Chase Page.
There are four events this coming weekend at Mt. Stirling (Saturday, 11 AM, Stirling Silver Hill Climb), Mt Baw Baw (Sunday, 10:30 AM, Tullicoutty/St. Phillack Cup) and Falls Creek (Sunday, 10:30 AM, Rocky Valley Rush/ Sun Valley Ramble). With so many locations to choose from there’s an event for everyone. After this weekend the final event of the series will only be two weeks away, and that’s the Hoppet/Birkebeiner/Joey. So to maximise your points and increase your chances of winning the prizes, make sure you turn up to as many events as you can. |
AuthorsLen - Well known in the Australian XC skiing community as a competitor, coach, race organiser and instructor who is also passionate about skikes. Archives
July 2016